Possible Indicators of High Cortisol and Adrenaline
- Sleep issues
- Mood ups and downs
- Racing mind
- Hyperventilation
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Mouth breather
- Difficulty going long periods of time between meals
- Easily fatigued
- Food cravings
- Digestive difficulties
- Known “High energy” person
- Constipation
- Loose stool
- Crash (or very tired) after stress goes away
- Alternating constipation and loose stool
- Never gains weight no matter what or how much is eaten
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Caffeine needed to keep you going
- Calm on the outside, troubled on the inside
- Single or multiple traumatic life events (i.e. death in family)
- Low temperature and pulse
- Temperature and pulse above normal
- History of low carb dieting
- History of yo-yo dieting or “weight loss” diets
- Belly fat and/or spare tire
- Doesn’t feel hungry
- Endurance athletes
- Prolonged exposure to darkness or long winters
- Anxiety
- Nervous exhaustion
- Weight gain or weight loss
- Chronic exercisers
- Slow starter
- Restless leg
- Inflammation (joints, muscles)
- Stiff upon waking
- Arthritis
- Difficulty putting on muscle
- Frequent nocturnal urination
- Always thirsty
- Diagnosed hypothyroid
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms
- Often sick
- Easily fatigued
- Inability to concentrate/focus
- Bad dreams/nightmares
- Cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea)
- Infertility
- History of miscarriage
- Dementia
- Signs of accelerated aging
- Thin skin
- Bone loss